An Interconnected Relationship

Pest Control and Public Health An Interconnected Relationship

Pest Control and Public Health: An Interconnected Relationship

Pests such as cockroaches and mice pose serious health threats for children with asthma as well as adults living in households where asthmatics reside. Furthermore, these insects carry germs and bacteria which can spread disease as well as trigger allergic reactions in people living in households where these creatures exist or within communities as a whole. At Ease Pest Control we recognize our responsibility to safeguard public health and wellbeing – that’s why our team at all of our service areas works diligently to keep all homes and buildings pest-free! Our goal: protecting public health & wellbeing!

Public health is a powerful blend of science, research, and inquiry combined with human interactions to advance people’s lives. Public health’s goal is to prevent disease while prolonging life and increasing quality of life – thus each scientific discovery, awareness campaign or new policy could have a dramatic effect on overall human health and wellbeing.

Public health is an intricate field, one which demands collaboration among many different sectors and organizations to effectively tackle the enormous challenges facing human health. Public health’s interdisciplinary nature makes it powerful; its definition entails all organized societal efforts aimed at creating, maintaining, or improving human health through disease prevention/control measures as well as nutritional education/promotion, housing needs planning/sanitation plans/personal hygiene solutions/organizing medical services for betterment.

As health trends around the world evolve, so has the need for stronger global partnerships become ever-more obvious. Collaboration among all stakeholders — governments, private sectors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academia and civil society is central to WHO’s strategic direction for healthy populations.

At present, WHO is intensifying its work on public health pesticide management, helping countries overcome barriers that hinder effective purchasing, application and monitoring of insecticide-resistant chemicals.

Public health pesticides present their own set of specific needs and concerns that differ significantly from those faced by other major categories of pesticides, including more centralized procurement, dedicated storage and disposal facilities, as well as registration and quality control specialists with specific expertise. Unfortunately, many countries lack legislation covering public health pesticides; multiple registration authorities exist or lack capacity and guidelines for quality assessment purposes when it comes to public health pesticide quality assessment.

The World Health Organization has provided countries with support in managing public health pesticides through country support activities at regional level and thematic support in certain countries. Pest Control Companies in Murrieta As a result, country representatives have shown increased visibility and commitment in strengthening national public health pesticide management capacities – something which should result in improved statuses of public health pesticides within legislation, management practices, as well as regional/international policies.

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