Cataract – Symptoms Causes Prevention and Treatment

What is a cataract

Cataract – Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

If you are suffering from cataracts, you should know that it is an eye disease that requires a medical intervention. This article discusses the symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment options for this condition. The causes of this eye disease are various, and you should visit your doctor for further information. You should also keep a look out for any changes in your vision.


Cataract is a disease of the eye caused by clumps of protein that form in the lens of the eye. These clumps make the lens cloudy and difficult to see through. It can develop in one eye or both eyes. The causes of cataract are varied and can include genetic factors and ageing.

While there is no way to prevent cataracts, it is possible to reduce the risk factor by taking certain precautions. One of these measures is to limit the amount of sunlight that enters the eye. Eye Doctor in Lancaster Exposure to UV rays and alcohol can also increase the risk of developing cataracts.


The prevention of cataracts begins with a healthy diet rich in antioxidants. These compounds help the body fight harmful molecules called free radicals. These molecules are a natural part of our bodies, but they can be a problem when they accumulate in the body. Exposure to UV rays, cigarette smoke, and pollution can all lead to increased levels of free radicals.

The most important prevention tip is to undergo routine eye exams regularly. These exams will help your doctor determine if you have cataracts or not. During an examination, your doctor will check for any cloudiness in your vision, which indicates a cataract. Depending on how advanced your cataracts are, your doctor will then recommend the appropriate treatment.

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